Any personal information provided by you, the user of this website is kept by us for the purposes of contact and shipping only and will not be distributed to third parties. highly values your privacy and ensures your online security seriously. In order to make you understand our policy fully, we provide the notice below to explain our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used. If our Privacy Policy is updated, all revisions will be posted on this page.

We reserve the right to update the privacy policy any time.


We collect your information in different ways on One purpose for collecting personal information is to provide our customers with an efficient, meaningful, and customized online experience. For example, your personal information can be used to.

Help make this site easier for you to use by not having to enter information more than once.

Help you find information, products and services more quickly.

Help us create content on this site that is most relevant to you.

Help remind you of new information, products and services that we offer

At the same time, when you make a purchase from we collect your name, email address, shipping and billing address, phone number and credit card number. Besides, we may also ask you for your gender and the country of your residence or your organization’s country of operation so that we can comply with applicable laws and regulations. We collect this information in order to bill you for your order. We will not disclose your information to any third party, other than as necessary to fulfill your request, e.g. to ship an order.


Information collected may be used to enhance your shopping experience in the following ways:

Register to be a member of

Deliver products and services that you have purchased online

Prevent fraud and bill you for your purchases

Confirm your orders

Respond to your customer-service inquiries or requests

Introduce great valued and featured items to you

Find and stock the products you want

Customize your shopping experience


All our copyrighted text, graphics, photographs or other images, button icons, audio clips, logos, slogans, trade names or word software and other contents on the website of (collectively, “Content”), belongs exclusively to or its appropriate content suppliers. You may not use, reproduce, copy, modify, transmit, display, publish, sell, license, publicly perform, distribute or commercially exploit any of the Content or otherwise dispose of any of the Content in a way not permitted by photo details cannot be posted on social media or placed in any other way unnecessary. Without express prior written consent. The use of data mining, robots, or similar data gathering and extraction tools on as well as the use of trademarks or service marks in meta-tags is strictly prohibited. You may view and use the Content only for your personal information and for shopping and ordering on the site and for no other purpose. If you happen to come across any of our content hosted on a third-party site, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

The collection, arrangement, and assembly of all content on this site (the “Compilation”) belong exclusively to You may not use Content or Compilation in any manner that disparages or discredits. or in any way that is likely to cause confusion or violation of any applicable laws or regulations. All software used on this Site (the “Software”) is the property of the Privacy Policy